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Free Facebook Lucky Draw Tool

This tool cannot use a predefined list; it is the only tool on the market that cannot be faked or cheated.

Let’s hold a fair, just, and open Facebook lucky draw event.

Free Facebook Lucky Draw Tool
Installed on Windows 10/11 computers

We provide a free Facebook Lucky Draw Tool

Facebook is currently the most powerful social platform with numerous lucky draw events. It's a place where many internet users indulge. However, if we need to check each fan's actions one by one during every lucky draw event—such as whether they liked, reacted, commented, tagged friends, or shared—we would have to individually inspect Facebook profiles to verify if they are fake accounts. After eliminating fake accounts, we would randomly select lucky winners. Doing all these tasks manually can be very tedious for our fingers. Therefore, we, being somewhat lazy, developed the Facebook Lucky Draw Tool (fansdig) to allow computers to automatically complete all these tasks for us.

Our marketing team serves many social marketing clients, hosting hundreds of Facebook lucky draw events monthly. With the Facebook Lucky Draw Tool, we can easily handle thousands of comments and multiple fan actions, making gathering page popularity no longer a challenge. As part of the online community, we uphold the spirit of openness and freedom, allowing everyone to use this software for free. When the software starts, it will show an ad from our friend first, and you can start using the software with just one click.

In the past, there were similar products on the market, but many were developed by individuals. Besides some having viruses, these types of software require long debugging and corrections. The stability and follow-up services of individually developed software are often concerning, and many of these products are short-lived, which is unfortunate! Furthermore, there are companies, both domestic and international, that recruit members for their free services, regardless of whether they charge or not. The commonality among these services is that you must register to become their member and input your Facebook account and password into the software or authorize them on their website, which poses serious security concerns. Foreign news has reported that most service providers secretly steal your personal and friend data behind the scenes, meaning you might pay the highest price while enjoying free services! We aim to develop the fansdig lucky draw tool with the integrity and scale of a legitimate company, stable, clean, non-toxic, and fully controlled by the user. You do not need to send or disclose any Facebook information to us, and the operation process is completely transparent, allowing you to see the marketing robot in action and all operational screens (note: software running in the background or on web pages poses a risk of data leakage).

WINDOWS ONLY. Please install on Microsoft Windows operating systems

Note! By downloading and using this software, you agree to comply with the Facebook Terms of Use, Facebook Data Policy, and Facebook Community Standards. Please do not use it for illegal or harassing activities.

  FB Lucky Draw Tool Helps You Save Manpower


臉書抽獎神器 /FANSDIG

Marketing Bot Workflow

  • Open Chrome Browser
    Log in to Facebook

  • Chrome Extension
    Install fansdig

  • Enter Giveaway URL

  • Dig and Filter Giveaways

  FANSDIG 使用後的回饋













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